
Jericho Conversations with Gavin Patterson - Q & A

Jericho Chambers

The ex-CEO of BT spent an hour in conversation with Jericho Partner Matthew Gwyther discussing:- his leadership style and methods as CEO; his tussles with OFCOM; why doing business in Italy is so tricky; the highs and lows of running one of the FTSE 100’s most prominent companies; and the pressures on his family. He also reveals why he didn’t fancy running the Premier League, whether Huawei is a security risk to our nation and how he deals at every dinner party he attends about the shortcomings of diners’ broadband speeds. And why he thinks the intense heat surrounding FTSE CEO pay may lead more talent into the cooler but more lucrative shadows of private equity: ” I didn’t think I was particularly well paid. I sat towards the bottom end of the [pay] range.”

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Jericho Conversations is one of a number of initiatives that spontaneously emerged during the first COVID lockdown – part of a determination to use moments of crisis to pivot towards a better, fairer, more equitable and sustainable future for all. By popular demand, we have reignited the series to help find surprising and refreshing solutions and insights into a world in constant flux. Each conversation – led by an expert speaker – is designed to keep Jericho communities engaged and thinking about “what comes next?” for business and society.